Kevin Bowe

Producer · Songwriter · Engineer · Mixer · Guitarist · Sync


A strange night indeed (with comedian Eric Andre at First Avenue Mainroom)

beyond crazy.

beyond crazy. I got a random email from this guy’s manager asking me to sit in as a guest for his sold out First Avenue show….. I said “I think you think I’m someone else…”. They said, “No we know you’re you”. I said “You want someone cooler, I can hook you up”. They said “no we want you”. So I said ok. And that was that. Google it if you want  (only for the brave and those not offended by a guy letting it all hang out). Not me. I definitely do NOT let it all hang out.

The Kill Room is almost ready…… where bad music goes to die…..

new studio 1 new studio 2new studio 3new studio4

Dave Ahl, Erik Kruse, Hugo Klaers and Julie Gardeski have done an amazing job and the Kill Room is 99% there, I’m moving gear back in over the next few days and it’s all systems go. Time to finish the Suicide Commandos record among other things…….

Writing and Cutting with Daniel Powter and John Fields


This guy sang the “Had A Bad Day” song but if that’s all you know about him then

you don’t know him at all. He’s a true blue eyed soul singer with golden lungs and

a big heart. We did a Rundgren-esque thing today (thanks John) and it was a gas.


w Jonah and Twins

I love these guys. 2 identical twin bro’s with horns, what else could you possibly want? They put down some
really soulful trumpet and bone on “My Next Ex-Girlfriend”, a new single that Jonah Marais and I just wrote.
Haven’t had this much fun since….. ever?

In the studio with The Suicide Commandos


The first punk rock band from Minnesota, if you’re anything like me (and I know I am…) they changed your life forever. Forty years later they rock again, this album feels like a full circle. Seeing them live at the Longhorn back in the day was transcendent and hearing their new songs is exactly what we all need in this time of sad passings.