Jared McCloud album being released soon, here’s part of a new interview
3.) The ever amazingly talented and rightly lauded Kevin Bowe did the producing honors on the Vacancy LP! What was your collaboration process like in working with Kevin while in the studio fashioning and shaping the new album?
So over the years I spoke to a bunch of producers about this record and all of them are astonishing but at the end of the day I don’t think I was in the right headspace to do anything. Fast forward a bit I got Kevin’s number a little while after I moved to Minneapolis and we spoke on the phone for a bit. He seemed funny and easy to get along with and we seemed to love a lot of the same records so we set up a time to hang out. I knew within five minutes I was ready and Kevin was the guy to do it. Once we got working, it was effortless. We’d talk about different kinds of sounds we heard or examples of songs we felt like for each track, and then build it piece by piece. He knew all sorts of AMAZING players so when it came time to add something that he or I couldn’t do, he’d call someone up and they’d come in and just kill it. I swear I’m like the least talented person on this record.. (laughs). They’re all monster players. Even my wife and kids got to add some back up vocals! This was the most enjoyable recording I’ve ever been a part of.
If you woke up today and thought to yourself “man if only there was a way for me to hear Kevin Bowe blather on about a bunch of crap”….. well today is YOUR DAY!
Katy Vernon releases her version of “I Hate Falling In Love” off the last Okemah Prophets album.
The Current’s Local Show will spin it Sunday April 21
New Twins Of Franklin album done! Release show May 31 at Icehouse in Mpls

Courtney Hadwin to sing at Clive Davis Carnegie Hall show with NY Pops!
hand picked to perform Janis Joplin’s “Piece Of My Heart” on April 29
Had a fun day recording this video for Anna Graves, all live, no tuning/cheating/overdubbing, nothing but the real thing. With a cat. Search “Made To Love Someone”

Another kind review of the “Half Past Never” album!

“Take Effect” posts cool review of the HALF PAST NEVER album….